Not another coronavirus post!!!
I know you're probably sick of hearing it by now but I just wanted to highlight a crucial habit that we all do and may be overlooking everyday.
Hand washing and social distancing have been so far engrained into our brains that it will possibly become part of DNA and naturally feed into the next 5 generations.
BUT, think for moment.... how many times a day do you touch your watch, move your ring, adjust your bangle or play with your pendant? Probably ALOT!
The problem is, nobody cleans their jewellery, not because of poor hygiene but because well; it's just not something we're used to doing everyday. However, as the virus is able to stay alive on metals for up to 72 hours; it is important we clean jewellery daily. Professor Derek Watson from the University of Sunderland, argues that cleaning our jewellery should become part of our regular routine.
How to clean your jewellery safely
The best way to keep your shiny pieces clean and germ free is to place them in a small bowl of warm water with a drop of washing-up liquid and a soft kids toothbrush, rinse after scrubbing and let air dry, avoid harsh chemicals and detergents. This works with most hard stones like diamonds as well as vermeil jewellery. For some delicate items, you will have to be more careful, or you could end up damaging them. Porous stones such as pearls, amber or coral should be washed in warm water only. Now of course daily washing is not an ideal thing to do for the longevity of your pieces so the best thing is to be conscious of touching your jewellery as you are of touching your face.
I know it's one more thing to remember in the midst of the 'new normal' but it is so important in keeping us and our loved ones safe.